
Silver Leaf Rapid Transit
List of Booklets

Silver Leaf published four "booklets". The first booklet was a low quality offset piece with some bare-bones explanations of what rapid transit modeling was all about. As interest increased, so did the size and quality of the booklets.

Rapid Transit Car & Layout Design No. 1 (Booklet #1) 1964. Free. 4 pp. 5.5 x 8.5"

Rapid Transit Car & Layout Design Booklet No. 2 (Booklet #2) 1964. 25 cents. 16 pp., self cover. 5.5 x 8.5". The press run of 1000 sold out rapidly.This was the last Silver Leaf publication produced with typewriter and cheap offset. Thanks to Lawrence Gault for supplying this cover.

Rapid Transit Car & Layout Design Booklet No. 3 (Booklet #3) 1965(?). 60 cents. 32 pp. plus cover. 5.5 x 8.5"

Staten Island Rapid Transit 1860-1965 (Booklet #4) Oct. 1965. $1.25. 64 pp. plus cover. 5.5 x 8.5". Though officially Booklet #4, this was nothing like Booklets 1-3, which had a heavy emphasis on rapid transit modeling. Also because it was in the "booklet" series, the authors were uncredited. Silver Leaf's most successful publication, the press run of 2000 was sold out in 8 months. The Essential History, excerpted and updated from this booklet, may be read online in The Third Rail.

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Last updated Monday, January 14, 2002